Welcome to Sculpting in Time, Nats' movie review blog! I watch movies nearly everyday (and sometimes several in one day) and I will write about ALL of them! So check back often and feel free to leave your own reviews in the comments.

Law Abiding Citizen (2009)

I'm pretty sure no one sits down to watch this movie expecting cinematic excellence. It's one of those crime drama action thriller things...with Jamie Foxx! Foxx plays a lawyer who prosecutes these dudes who killed some guy's (Gerard Butler) family. A plea bargain is reached and while one of the killers gets the death sentence, the other gets 3 years in prison. You can imagine that this wouldn't sit well with Gerard (yes, I will refer to the actor's name, not the character). Mr. Butler decides that the justice system is faulty (IS IT REALLY!?!) and takes matters into his own hands.

Yeah, so, there's this whole mystery about how Gerard is manipulating the system and killing people while he's imprisoned. The answer is not only not that shocking, but completely implausible. Law Abiding Citizen is rife with cliche dialogue and plot devices. It, like, totally tries to be Shawshank Redemption or something. But it's not. There are very few surprises here, so if you're looking for an action crime thriller thing that will keep you on the edge of your seat, move along.

There is some blood and stuff, though, if you're into that kind of thing.

Writing: 2/10
Acting: 4/10
Plot: 1/10
Visuals: 4/10


Autumn said...

Lol I couldn't even watch the "blood" part of it. Turned my head and covered my eyes and flinched the whole time. My roommate kept telling me "you're such a girl!" I just don't do blood, no matter how small the amount, not well anyway.

Other than that scene though I agree, this movie wasn't surprising in the least and the acting was only OK. But for me that's what made it fun....or maybe it was the two shots of tequila I had before the movie that made the movie fun.... oh well! It's one of those movies you wind up saying "I'm so glad I borrowed that from so and so instead of wasting my own money on it!" at the end. If I had paid to see this in theaters I would have been livid at how badly I'd been ripped off (much like I was after viewing 2012 in theaters!)

Dimes2Vines said...

Haven't seen this one but I prefer chick flicks! Girl gets the guy and all live happily everafter!!!
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Betty Manousos said...

I am a movie lover!
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Have a great Friday!

Sarah said...

Hi, found your blog through Friday Follow. Looks like you have some great stuff. Now following!

Anonymous said...

It sure wasn't an Oscar winner, but I do enjoy Gerard Butler or Gerry as I like to call him. :0)

Visiting and following from Friday Follow.


Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

I'm a new follower from Friday Follow. Please stop by and follow The Penny-Pinching Mama. Lots of great giveaways over there :)

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